Codrington HerbsCodrington Herbs
We prioritize your well-being by crafting solutions that are effective and free from any negative consequences.

Codrington Herbs

About Us

We are experts in herbal wellness, crafting personalized botanical remedies from native plants to address a variety of health concerns. Our Self-Purification Wellness System offers solutions for prevention, acute and chronic conditions, and digestive issues. Our consultations are thorough and tailored to your specific needs, ensuring effective treatment. Additionally, our Beyond Self-Purification Wellness Training teaches individuals how to create botanical remedies without the use of dehydrators, alcohol, or heat, as well as other valuable skills such as chlorophyll retention and elixir extraction. Let us help you achieve optimal health naturally with our holistic approach to wellness.

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews - #1
I met Julius Codrington in Trinidad and Tobago 11 years ago, when I was having difficulties having a baby. I started the Self-Purification Cleanse and did exactly what he instructed me to do and sure enough I was able to have a baby. My daughter is now 11 years old.
Sunita Francis
Sunita Francis
I met Julius Codrington in Trinidad and Tobago 11 years ago, when I was having difficulties having a baby. I started the Self-Purification Cleanse and did exactly what he instructed me to do and sure enough I was able to have a baby. My daughter is now 11 years old.
Customer Reviews - #2
Yes I would recommend the 7 day self purification wellness system. Sure its a challenge! And there was some discomfort, but I emerged with good energy, feeling so much for the better for having done it!
Gemma Joseph
Gemma Joseph
Yes I would recommend the 7 day self purification wellness system. Sure its a challenge! And there was some discomfort, but I emerged with good energy, feeling so much for the better for having done it!
Contact Us

Contact Us

Julius and Zoey Codrington Certified Nutritional Consultants Certified Holistic Health Practitioners